Ten Percent LeaderShift is an amazing book calling Americans to finally Stand Up and Lead!
Buy Leadershift and learn how you can help Lead America back to GreatnessLeadershift is a call for Americans to Finally Stand Up and LeadLeadershift is a call for Americans to Finally Stand Up and Lead
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Will You Lead the Charge?


A provocative business parable for our troubled times, Leadershift is the story of how David Mersher, the successful CEO of Indytech, sets out to discover why the United states is losing its leadership edge and what he can do to turn things around and make America truly great again.

In the process, Mersher and his team learn how the Five Laws of Decline are eroding our economy — and what American leaders and citizens need to do to stop it. Read More »

Praise for LeaderShift

“Orrin Woodward and Oliver DeMille offer a third way out. The old ‘left-right’ arguments died with the Cold War. The spending that brought the Soviet Union to its knees is now about to sink the West. This book is a brilliant wake-up call.”

Doug Wead - Former Adviser to two American Presidents, New York Times Bestselling Author